A post about relationships that I inspired…So you can be inspired…

In all my non-active bloggerness, I neglected to make mention of the fact that my favorite couple started a relationship blog dealing with all things marital and united. Starrene and Anslem Rocque chronicle their journey and do their best to share their youthful insight weekly on their aptly named site,

The Lovers Rocque.

Last month I asked Starr if she had any advice on living together with your mate and she told me that I gave her an idea for her next post on the site. Thus, this was born…http://www.theloversrocque.com/home/6-tips-for-successfully-shacking-up.html

Not only is it super useful, helpful and bookmark-worthy for anyone looking to make that leap, I also like to think that I was the catalyst for this one and it’s dedicated to me in my small piece of the blogosphere. Enjoy…

Thanks Starr & Anslem.



Speaking of TDJ; New web series coming soon “So I Married A Vampire…”

As part of being on her ever consistent grind, The Notorious T.D.J. is about to bless the internet with a new web series encompassing 2 of her favorite forms of film entertainment. Fresh off her stint at the Martha’s Vineyard African-American Film festival, here’s a trailer from her latest project titled, So I married A Vampire... Starring Ms. Daryl, who by the way used to do some gr8 promo for this very blog back in the beginning.

On the site Indiegogo.com, the series is described as

“A mockumentary on the optimistic wife of a maladjusted vampire. The Office meets True Blood.

This web series depicts the everyday life  of Stephanie, the perky, optimistic human wife of an inept bumbling vampire, Armand. As Stephanie answers questions on her everyday life and how she deals with their far from normal relationship, her true feelings on her relationship start to show. The camera witnesses some of their quirky moments.”

Watch for yourselves, and get ready